Archives: Events
10 events found.
“Explore” Esplanade Day
PNCC “Explore” Esplanade Day (incl NZDF/Linton Camp/NZ Army display)
Palmerston North Defence Heritage Advisory Group (PNDHAG) Meeting
City Library 4 The Square, Palmerston North, New ZealandMMMHP – “The Development of Maori Defence Systems 1860-1864”
City Library 4 The Square, Palmerston North, New ZealandMONTHLY MIDDAY MILITARY HISTORY PRESENTATION (MMMHP) SERIES "The Development of Maori Defence Systems 1860-1864 "by Col (Rtd) Bryan Wells Development of Maori Defence systems- […]
6 Field Squadron Reunion (Carterton)
Carterton , New ZealandSappers Association NZ Inc. AGM (Online)
Time and further details to be confirmed.
70th Anniversary of the formation of NATO
70th Anniversary of the formation of NATO (in 1949)
Launch of the RNZE Corps History book, “Won By The Spade”
Globe Theatre 312 Main Street, Palmerston North, New ZealandLaunch of the RNZE Corps History book, “Won By The Spade”, by Peter Cooke and RNZE capability display at the Globe Theatre. PMN Book launch […]