Audio and Video Heritage

This section of the website contains audio and video heritage material housed in the ECMC Library. The information being provided is for public access and consumption/use and in MP3 format. The video content is a link to Youtube.

Rather than duplicate the heritage and history records and material from other national engineer organisations, such as the RAE, RCE, RE, USACE, etc, go to our LINKS page, access these organisations and scan/see what they have to offer. We only want to make digital copies of our ECMC library and museum holdings, materials and resources, available on our website.


We’re regularly adding to this collection. Come back soon and see what’s new.

NB: This site works best in Chrome or Firefox web browsers.

Monthly Midday Military History Presentation Series Presentation Audio

Copyright on the presentations listed here is owned by the Author of the presentation. This includes all content: the audio, slides and presentation script. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The audio, slides or presentation script may not be reproduced elsewhere without the express permission of the Author. Please contact the Author directly if you wish to seek permission.


25 June (EPLP) – “The 80th Anniversary of the RNZAF Flying Boats and other aircraft of 5 Sqn, RNZAF”, by GPCAPT (Rtd) Rick Bulger and SQNLDR (Rtd) Hugh Francis, RNZAF


Presentation audio


13 June “The 25th Anniversary of the East Timor/Timor L’este Conflict”, by LTCOL Martin Dransfield, ONZM, RNZIR Waitangi Tribunal Project Director, Army General Staff, NZDF

Presentation audio

9 May “The 60th Anniversary of Konfrontasi – the Borneo/Malaysia Conflict”, by WO1 (Rtd) Dave Hayward, MBE, MSM, RNZIR, 4th Sergeant Major of the NZ Army

Presentation audio


24 April EPLP “The 160th Anniversary of QAMR”, by LTCOL Jacob Murray, RNZIR, Commanding Officer, Queen Alexandra’s Mounted Rifle (QAMR), Linton Military Camp.

Presentation Audio


11 April (MMMHP) – The Royal NZ Army Medical Corps and Awapuni Medical Memorial, by Deployable Health Organisation, Joint Services Group, NZDF (Linton Camp). “Preparing Medics for the War: WW1 to the Present Day” Maj Andrew Brookes, XO DHO, RNZAMC.

Click to access RNZAMC-Awapuni-Presentation-002.pdf

Presentation Audio


26 Mar (EPLP) – “(BRIG) Sir Geoffrey Peren: His Lifelong Connection with the Land”, by LTCOL DR Peter Wood, ONZM

Presentation Audio


14 Mar “The 80th Anniversary of the Battle for Cassino” (Feb-Mar 1944), by LTCOL (Rtd) Dr Glyn Harper, QSM

Original powerpoint (Slide 7 image was modified for website display above.)

Presentation Audio


8 Feb “28th Maori Battalion” in the Second World War and the “75th Anniversary of the song “Blue Smoke” release, by Ruma Karaitiana, Rangitane

Presentation Audio

“Blue Smoke” song


View 2023 MMMHP Archive here


View 2022 MMMHP Archive here


View 2021 MMMHP Archive here


View 2020 MMMHP Archive here



Atiu Harbour Project

This video was compiled from a Super 8 movie production by Corporal Ken Newton, RNZE (now Whanganui), during his time on Atiu Island from late 1973 to early 1974.


The Canadian Land Forces

Canadian Defence Forces, including the function and role of the Canadian Land Forces, a Canadian Division (organisation and functions) and the role and functions of the Canadian Engineer Group (in three parts), circa 1989.

Canadian Division HQ in Operations

Division Engineer Group, Part 1 – Organisation

Division Engineer Group, Part 2 – Defensive Operations

The Division Engineer Group, Part 3 – Offensive Operations


The Desert War in North Africa

Two New Zealand veteran soldiers, John Johnston aged 95 and Norman Leaf aged 94 years, share dramatic personal stories of their World War 2 army service in the North African deserts of Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.


East Timor

An “amateur video” produced under the guidance of WO1 Shane Vooght, RNZE, about engineer and other tasks and in the engineer camp, commencing early December 2009, in Timor L’este.



The life and achievements of LTGEN Lord Fryberg, VC and his role as the Commander of the 2nd NZ Division (2nd NZ Expeditionary Force) throughout the Second World War, narrated by LTGEN Sir Leonard Thornton, ex-Chief of the NZ Defence Force (a TV One documentary circa 1987). Includes Parts 1, 2 and 3  – Early Days; WWI; between wars; Greece, Crete and North African Campaign.


RNZE Corps Centenary

This “amateur video tape” was compiled over the period of 12 to 16 October 2002, to cover the various activities and events for the celebration of the RNZE Corps Centenary, in both Linton Camp and Palmerston North.


Manawatu People’s Radio

“Manawatu Conversations” Interview with Joe Hollander, PNDHAG, Part One Tuesday 12 May 2020

“Manawatu Conversations” Interview with Joe Hollander, PNDHAG, Part Two Tuesday 19 May 2020



The Band of the Corps of Royal Engineers



PDF of Tape Cover: BandoftheRoyalEngineers (Includes track titles and other information.)











Side One: mp3

Side Two: mp3


Chimo! The music and oral traditions of the Canadian Military Engineers



PDF of CD cover: Chimo! (Includes track titles, and other information.)








01 CME Branch Call (Musique Centrale Des Fc-Cf Central Band)

02 Wings (Musique Centrale Des Fc-Cf Central Band)

03 Reveille

04 Salute To The Engineers

05 Half Hour To Parade

06 Hurrah For The CRE

07 Sapper Patrol (RCE Band)

08 Quarter Call

09 The Sapper

10 When The Saints Go Marching In

11 Sappers – The Perfect Corps

12 Fall In

13 Ode To The Engineer

14 The Canadian Engineers

15 Men’s Meal Call

16 Gridiron Glory

17 1942

18 Defaulters

19 Sinai Lament

20 Live, Move And Work

21 Why Engineers Do Not Carry Colours

22 Jump Sappers

23 First Post

24 Air Sappers

25 Tripwires

26 Last Post

27 Old King Cole

28 The Engineer Song

29 Lights Out

30 La Priére Du Génie – The Engineer Prayer

31 Retreat

32 Wings (RCE Band)